Get to know Lauren

First and foremost, let’s discuss self-disclosure. Many therapists disapprove of the concept of self-disclosure, and some theorists agree. My philosophy on self-disclosure is this: if it helps the client, then it is worth disclosing.

If you don’t like a therapist who self-discloses, you should probably stop reading know. If you like getting to know your therapist a bit, feel free to keep reading.

If you are still here, that is great. I am happy to share some fun facts and random things about myself:

  • Ginger Root Counseling was born from and for anxiety. This means that yes, I, your potential therapist, have struggled with mental health and more specifically anxiety.

  • I have two dogs, both of whom I love unconditionally. They are pictured above, and are essentially perfect.

  • If we ever cross paths in real life I will not acknowledge you. This is not intended to be rude, disrespectful or mean. It is for privacy and confidentiality reasons, and so that you can decide if and when you want to disclose your participation in therapy.

  • I actually went to art school for my undergraduate degree, and was a Graphic Designer for many years before returning to school to become a counselor.

  • All of the photos on the website were taken by me. They are (mostly) all local to Kennebunk, and taken on my phone.

  • I have lived in 3 states, all of which begin with the letter M: Massachusetts, Michigan and Maine.

  • My hair color changes pretty often, but my clothing colors remain the same.

  • If it is not clear, I am a therapist that wholeheartedly believes in the benefits of self-disclosure. I am often happy to answer questions about myself, as long as they are relevant to the therapeutic process.


What is Art Therapy?


Why “Ginger Root”?